Well, it happened. Connect 2021 - the world’s first ever 24hr Global Early Talent Summit - was a success!
We are in awe, we are feeling inspired, but most of all - we are feeling proud.
We witnessed the early talent community come together in a way that was previously inconceivable. We heard from recruiters from organizations around the world, sharing their genuine desire to build a world that truly fosters and empowers early talent to achieve. We heard from educators hungry to bring career skills into every classroom, so that all students can build the skills and confidence that will set them up for success. And we heard from Gen Z - the generation that was described by Dr. Corey Seemiller as the ones that might really change the world. To do this, they just want to be met where they are - through authenticity and transparency.
We all recognize that there is so much more to be done to create a world of early talent that enables anyone, anywhere to pursue and attain the career of their dreams. To serve this next generation of talent, as Michael Lee from Electronic Arts said, “we must be comfortable being uncomfortable.” We know it won’t be easy, but after seeing the magic that can happen when you bring together incredibly passionate employers, educators and early talent in one (virtual) room - we’re confident that, together, we’re not far off.
Twelve months ago, we could never have imagined that we’d be sitting here now knowing that over 24 hours we had:
- 26 back-to-back sessions (yes, that’s 24 hours straight!)
- 55 speakers from 5+ countries
- 1,032 attendees across 6 continents
- 4.5 hours of average participation per attendee
- 9.3/10 average post event rating
And we now have an avalanche of insights into the beautiful and complex early talent ecosystem. We couldn’t have asked for a better day. We are forever grateful to all of those who took part and supported us along the way - particularly our incredible speakers (the full list of which can be found here).
With so many learnings to dive into, we can’t do it justice in one post. Watch this space as we share more insights over the next few weeks!